Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Yesterday had some class Christmas celebration at my house .It was quite a late min plan , but it stil went well.Everyone was supposed to meet at 4pm at sengkeng .But everyone was late muahahaha
After waiting a while , a small group came .Which is siva , weijie , louis ,Kelvin & me .We first when to cold storage to get our foods.
Next we go back to my house to do the preparation .
These are photos where they are in action .
To be continue .......
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Let See What I have this weekMon: Reformat Lappy & Meet Andrew
Tue: Shopping With CG , Maybe can study for Op Ut
Wed: Teaching the word
Thur: E45k class Prawning Outing 4pm bishan Mrt
Fri: Fyp Meeting 1230pm at tpy Mrt
Sat: Pre-Xmas Service
Sunday, December 14, 2008
As Xmas is coming , leaders start to charge their team .This is common , every year the same no different .It quite seasonal . Beening in church for so long am i sick and tired .Not really yet .I have also cativate a life style that is not seasonal .Impacting lives when i have the chance too.
I have been quite close-up after so many thing have happen .That what i obvious .Sharing lesser of my thoughts.It all quite surface.Sometime really dont feel like going CG haha interesting right .It common .
Today i was ask to answer a question "Why do i love my cg" I was like stun . dont know how to answer .
Yesterday was my first trainning and duty for counter . It quite interesting . Was encouraged by the team leader as she do her role as a leader.Will this minitry bond me stronger than the cg bond I dont know ?
It was fun learning new stuffs & service people.
After service was quite tired , but last min got meeting =_="
jas shared her heartbeat for Xmas , i was encouraged also haha I find it funny .In the past , people will say it not about numbers.but souls .But now is if it is not about number you can get rid of the chapter number in the bible .LOL But the bible become incompete.
i have frens that i wan to invite.but i think i just forgotten to set my goals.
haha as i reflect quite also out thing happen this week .I random one is talking to kennth from Di.
I dont know is talking or shotting.Everything he said to me is the same things he need to reflect about .
One thing that hurt me ,is that when i asked him "it is possible to talk to me gentlely".He said "then dont talk to me".That sure hurt.I amost give him "rocket laucher "LOL
But he also cause me to reflect .which is good .For me i think is common when ever anything happen I will do reflectation after that .I dont know will her read this or not . But I will say let grow together .We need to know that we are weak before we can be strong .
I need to pray for the people I inviting .
People come & go , the church will still grow why is that so .haha not only because the bible say so .It is because people hope for the future.The bible just encourage the people that hope for the future.
In time , there is the past ,present & future . But we should hope for the future .As we have this attitude to hope for the future .We will humbly learning from the past , applied in the present and hope for the future .
Woah !!! I dont know how i write that but it look interesting .
Monday, December 08, 2008
Been Lazy to blog nowaday .....Service was great .
Title :When hope fail us
1) We tend to depend on man
When situation is so bad & tough we tend to depend on man first .
a) We should have faith & depend on god
Faith =An attitude
Which is : To pray , To believe & To receive
b)Be patient
We need to wait for god to answer .
2)Blame game
When something unexpected happen , man tend to blame each other .
a) We can ask god to change our attitude & perspectives
Looking things through his eyes.
b) Give thank i all circumstances
Believe everything happen for a purpose for god 's work to be done
I also borrowed a book recently .The title is "Managing team for dummies" Am I that weak in this area ?? Haha you answer ?? It just caught my attention when I am walking around the school library on Fri .
I found a folded pages .It about the differences between working in team & group.
1)Individual Accountability
2)Come together to share information & perspectives
3)Focus on individual goals
4)Produce individual work products
5)Define individual roles , task & responsibilities
6)Concern with one's own outcome & challenges
7)Purpose ,goals ,approached to work shaped by leader
1)Individual & Mutual Accountability
2)Frequently Come together for discussion ,decision making , problem solving & planning
3)Focus on team goals
4)Product collective work products
5)Define individual roles , task & responsibilities to helps team do it work often shared & rotate them
6)Concern with the outcomes of everyone & challenges the team faced
7)Purpose ,goals ,approached to work shaped by leader and member .
So in school are we working more toward group work or team work .And to improve the situation it always start with US.
Everyone plays a part .What are you going to do ???